Monday, June 17, 2013

GC49DZP Yerranderie 4x4 Event

Back in October 2011 we scheduled this event but due to a medical emergency we had to cancel. Some two years later the event was back on the calendar and we were looking forward to returning to the historic mining town of Yerranderie. That was until our 4WD was stolen and burnt out, this potentially ruined any plans of us attending our own event and we were once again faced with the possibility of having to cancel our own event. At the eleventh hour having good friends is a blessing and it was one of these friends who kindly let us borrow his 4WD for the weekend.

It was a cool Saturday morning of the June long-weekend when we met other geocaching families at Oberon for the trip to Yerranderie. In convoy we headed to Mt Werong for our first stop, being the long weekend the place was already busy. Pressing on we made it to Yerranderie for a late lunch. It was here that we met up with other geocachers. The place was far crowded than I had anticipated but that we soon found a nice spot and setup camp.

As the day progressed, further geocachers arrived making a sizable gathering. We pretty much did our own thing for the rest of the day, some chose to explore the surrounding ruins while others headed to the private town. By nights fall we all had the same idea, to congregate around the fire and shared in much laughter and storytelling.

Sunday saw some of the caching teams head off as they continued their long weekend 4WD adventures, for the rest of us we headed to the private town for a tour of the buildings and old mining relics. As we took in the vista of the place we also found a few of the local caches, one of these included a memorable afternoon hike to the Yerranderie Peak. From these dizzy heights we could see the Warragamba catchment and the wilderness areas of the Blue Breaks.

The Sunday evening around the campfire was a perfect example of what bush camping should be, clear skies filled with thousands of stars, perfect bush silence and the warmth and glow of a fire.

Monday dawned under clear skies but they didn't last for long. The predicted rain showers were moving in fast and by mid-morning as the last of us packed up camp, the rain started. We said our goodbyes to the other geocachers as most of us were taking separate routes home. From us the trip home was dogged by constant rain and heavy weekend traffic, but by late afternoon we’d made it home from a memorable 4x4 geocaching event. Thanks to those who shared the weekend with us.

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