When we first floated the idea of having a geocaching flashmob at 3am to coincide with the U.S equivalent we didn’t think that we’d couple it with a days caching in Canberra, but that what we did on the 5th June.
The WWFM VIII in Wollongong was held at Stuart Park at 3.00am where a good crowd gathered for a crazy breakfast theme-caching event. After our 15min of fame Steeba and I headed off on a 2 drive to Canberra for a days caching.
Arriving in Canberra at 6.00am we were greeted by zero deg. Temperatures and a very good frost, but let it be said “the weather never stops a good days caching”. A day of climbing hills was planned and we quickly set off up Mt Tuggeranong where we grabbed a handful of caches. We then weaved our around the southern suburbs collecting an array of puzzle, multi and traditional caches.
Late in the afternoon as the weather cooled and the breeze came up we headed up our 2nd big hill for the day. Mt Taylor is an impressive hill in the middle of Canberra, which offers sweeping views of the suburbs and another handful of caches.
By days end, we had accumulated 80 finds for our 12 hours caching in Canberra. As we headed for home a few more highway caches added icing to the cake for a great long days caching.